Due to warmer temperatures over the last few weeks, conditions on the trails have deteriorated slightly. This weekend however a light coat of fresh snow fell which will improve trail conditions slightly. Conditions across the Snodeos trail system are considered to be fair at this time.
Category: Trail Conditions
Trail Conditions 1/16/18
With recent snowfall, Harding trail, Pine Center, and North Trails have been groomed, with the exception of the Brainerd Airport Spur Trail. Conditions are considered fair.
Trail Prep under way for ’16-’17 snowmobile season
Hello Snodeos!
Just a quick message to let you all know that trail prep is underway on our trail system to get everything cleaned up, cleared, marked, and ready to ride this winter. We have a lot of volunteers spending long hours out on the trails cutting brush, removing trees from this summer’s severe storms, and making sure the trails are adequately marked with the necessary signs and trail markers. We look forward to having a good winter for riding, and our members and groomer operators are itching for some seat time! We hope you all enjoy the fall season, and we’ll see you on the trails!
Trail Conditions 2/20/2016
Current Trail System Conditions as of 2/20/16
No Groomed Trails – Low Snowfall – Poor Trail Condition
For more trail conditions, visit the MN DNR Trail Conditions Page.
Trail Conditions 2/4/2016
Current Trail System Conditions as of 2/4/16
For more trail conditions, visit the MN DNR Trail Conditions Page.